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Casi Knibbs

iOS Developer

Debt Zero

Debt Zero is a debt repayment calculator that is designed to help you get out of debt. Add all your debts to the tracker, and it will do the math for you, giving you an estimated timeframe for becoming debt free using the tried and true snowball method.

Wealth Health

Tracking your net worth is a great way to help understand your financial health. Net worth is simply all that you own and owe together in a single number. Wealth Health is designed to show you the trends behind your net worth, and to help you in your journey to becoming financially fit.

Grocery Day

Grocery shopping is one of the largest expenses people face. It is easy to go over budget no matter how hard you plan. Grocery Day is designed to simplify your planning and to keep you aware of grocery day spending.


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Some of my apps use third part frameworks (RevenueCat) that require the use of randomized identifiers for in app purchases. None of this information is used to identify you or is given out for advertising.